36 As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long;  we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”[a37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  ~~ Romans 8:36-37

In our society, we label those who are strong and invincible as “Superheroes”, they are able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, more powerful than a locomotive, faster than a speeding bullet, or walks on water.  Those are the people we look up to or call upon for help.  We rarely look at someone with an affliction as a Superhero.

Even Superheroes don’t have it all figured out. While they may be a beacon of hope for the rest of the world, it doesn’t mean that they are the most upright people. As a matter of fact, many of them have serious issues. Some of them have gone through extremely horrible events that had lasting effects on their mental and physical well-being.

Even those Marvel Superhero we looked up to as children dealt with various issues with their health or mental state.

  • Spiderman had PTSD – Peter Parker was scared and grieving over his losses. While they motivated him to become a better hero, he was still affected by them negatively.
  • Captain Marvel had Cancer – He found himself face to face with many unnatural foes and locations, and this resulted in him getting cancer after being exposed to the “Compound 13” nerve gas.
  • Superman suffered from Dissociative Identity Disorder – Before he had a chance to get attached to his parents and world, everything he knew was destroyed and he was sent to a different environment. As Clark Kent, he was the clumsy news reporter who worked with Lois Lane, while Superman was the confident hero who could face anything head on.

Those were the Superheroes of the TV and in Comic Books, I’ve had/have a few Superheroes in my life.

  • Ivory Mae Olden – She was my mother, and a superhero in her own rights. She single-handedly raised 10 children, giving us an example of how to work hard and never give up on our dreams.  If we let her know that we wanted to pursue music or other extra-curricular activities, she would make sure we had the resources to make it happen, that wasn’t easy for her, but she made it work.  She was not perfect, nor did she have it all together, but when I look back on how she prepared us for life, I am very proud of the woman that she was.
  • Jim Albo – My Manager for 8 years – He was a hot-blooded Italian who was intimidating to most people, but he taught me so many things about Corporate America and life. We made a pact in the beginning of our working relationship that carried us throughout our time together.  I have remembered many the things that he taught me and that has made me successful and a great asset to other companies.
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Supreme Court Justice – RBG fought most of her life for the safety and equality of all people. She passionately fought for the rights of the LGBTQ   community, undocumented people and those with disabilities.  She also fought for voting rights, women rights, the poor, and many other marginalized groups.  She did this throughout her lifetime, and still her voice reverberates, there are laws in place because of her, and we all benefit because she graced our presence.

Last, but certainly not least, my Superhero is Jesus Christ, who paid the ultimate price.  He gave his life so that I would have a right to live.  There is no greater love and not enough words to express how much he has done in my life

Superheroes come in many different personalities; they are not always perfect.  They don’t always look the way others expect them to look, but they hold a very special place in our lives.  They help to shape who we are and where we will go in life.

You are a Superhero; someone is looking to you and how you navigate through this journey.   This could help them with direction or solutions to help them in life.  It’s ok to don your cape and let it be known who you are.  Remember –   13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. ~~ Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

Take the time to reflect on who your other superhero is or was and then honor them by being your best self.

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