May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing.” So you are the one who is filled with peace. You are the one who is filled with joy. Romans 15:13


The word ‘Joy’ appears nearly 200 times in the Bible, which helps us understand just how important this second sweet fruit of the Spirit really is. Joy is a condition of the heart, a good feeling that is based on a much wider range of good things than peace is. But they are so interwoven that there could be no true heart experience of Christian joy without the heart experience of Christian peace.  The good feeling of joy that comes into the heart doesn’t just come from the absence of worry or conflict; it comes from other things as well.

The bible has just as much to say about Peace, it appears approximately 300 times with the highest occurrences in the book of Isaiah. One of my favorite scriptures in Isaiah is Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.”  Peace in Galatians 5:22 speaks of knowing that the Lord of the universe is always there and you resting in that. It’s not just knowing, but it is also living it out. Peace is sitting in comfort and knowing that God is by your side no matter what is going on in you or around you.  Peace happens when anxieties are removed, when fear and conflict are not troubling your heart.

Joy and Peace – If we were to explore the difference between these two experiences based on our relationship with Christ, here is how we could view it from a biblical standpoint; The Bible says God gives us joy and peace. It tells us that real joy comes from God and is ours forever. The joy that is found in God’s presence isn’t static; it changes and restores us.

Even with this perspective, it can sometimes be hard to find contentment and joy when we receive so many messages in our day-to-day lives that we’re not smart enough, beautiful enough, or successful enough. If we could just work harder, eat healthier, or be a little less stressed, then maybe – just maybe – we will finally be at peace.

There’s always something that going to be missing in that statement, so back to the bible we go.  Paul gives us more examples of joy and peace in Philippians 4:11-13 where he states that because of Christ, nothing can change the way he feels or the condition of his heart.

11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.  Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV)

After all the things we’ve gone through in our lifetimes, we should choose peace over happiness, which is the pursuit of desires and ambitions, whereas peace of mind is the ability to let go of those ambitions and desires. The achievement of peace is the ability to simply deal with things the way they are. In fact, this state can put you in position to then experience more happiness.  I also choose joy over happiness because when I choose joy, there is hope, with joy, hardship offers growth and opportunity. With joy, self-esteem and self-respect are everlasting, no one can take them away.

As I am writing this, I start to ponder where you are in your personal life journey, are you truly experiencing the joy and peace that the Lord desires for you, or is it just that temporary happiness, which is based on what is happening around you at the time?

Know that when you choose Christ, you choose peace – He is the Prince of Peace, and the Joy of the Lord is our strength.  Choose wisely.

Shalom – Peace be unto you!

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