How many of us actually read manuals? We buy products, appliances, and even modes of transportation and fail to read the manuals that accompany them. At least I do. Then when something goes wrong I struggle trying to figure it out.

Our two-year-old refrigerator has been acting up. Just past the warranty of course. The ice maker stopped making ice. Living in the middle of the desert no ice is a problem. I tried to figure out the problem for days then discovered that it had frozen up. I only had two options right? Unplug it and let it defrost, ruining all the other items in the refrigerator, or I could squirt hot water in there and try to defrost it that way. Which did I choose? Squirting hot water, EVERYWHERE.

It worked, or so I thought, we had ice for about a week and then the same thing happened. We gave up, no ice for us. It was cold out anyway so who needed it. Well, it warmed up and we found ourselves in need of a cold glass of ice water. Back to squirting hot water. Then it dawned on me. There must be something on YouTube, my electronic all-purpose manual, that could help. Sure enough, I found it.

Step-by-step instructions on how to defrost a modern-day ice maker. Hold two buttons on the front panel door for 8 seconds. Select mode for defrosting ice maker and within 5 minutes we had ice.

Isn’t that our walk with God sometimes. We find ourselves in difficult situations that seem impossible to figure out. We try fixing them on our own only to have a complete mess on our hands. When we become completely frustrated we turn to God for help. Only to discover the solution was as simple as holding down two buttons for 8 seconds.  The word of God is the manual to help us walk out our journey with God. The solution that we need to fix whatever we face is in there.

But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. Psalm 1:2 NLT

Don’t wait until things are broken to open the Bible. There are so many blessings that we have yet to discover. So much wisdom to guide us but we will never know unless we open up the front panel door.

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