One who heard us was a woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple goods, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul.    Acts 16:14


As we take the time this month to explore the lives of the women of the bible, we decided that Lydia would lead the pack.  Although the bible doesn’t give us a lot about Lydia, what is mentioned gives us enough to know that she was a good businesswoman.  Because of her entrepreneurship, she was a seller of expensive goods, and most importantly, she trusted God who opened her heart to believe.  Lydia was from the city of Thyatira and is called out in the New Testament as a woman who is regarded as the first documented convert to Christianity in Europe. Although she was from Thyatira, at the time Lydia met the Apostle Paul, she lived in Philippi, which was a leading city of Macedonia.

Once Lydia heard Paul, she believed and made a confession of her faith to her community by being baptized. She then assembled her entire household, told them what had happened to her, and asked them to also believe.

When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home. “If you consider me a believer in the Lord,” she said, “come and stay at my house.” And she persuaded us.  Acts 16:15

Lydia also recognized the demands of travelers on a journey and saw the needs of people in ministry. She helped to create a legacy for the early church, in Philippi, and her home of Thyatira.  She helps us to know that community still matters.

We see that Lydia was a well-known seller and was a successful businesswoman in a prosperous city.   She had ability, enthusiasm, purpose mental shrewdness, and she prospered greatly in an honorable and extensive calling.

Most likely from the details given about Lydia, we can come to a few conclusions. First, Lydia most likely accumulated a great deal of wealth from selling purple cloth because only royals and the rich could afford purple outfits. Secondly, Lydia was an example of the independent position only a few women attained in Asia Minor.  She was prosperous in business, she owned a spacious home and had servants to care for her.

Lydia puts this wealth to good use by showing Paul and his companions some hospitality, putting them up in her home. Lydia’s life proves that one can work an honest “secular” job and use it to further the gospel.


PRAYER:  Dear Lord, thank you for giving us an example in the Bible of how when we trust you with our lives, and resources, you are able to do unimaginable things with them.  We thank you that even though a lot is not spoken about us, we can be impactful in the Kingdom especially when we use what we have in our possession to carry out your work here on earth.  We bless you now in the matchless name of our Savior Jesus Christ – Amen!


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