As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3

True, genuine love begins after the spell wears off, after the actual or relational honeymoon ends and real life begins. If you know that loving someone starts at the end of the buckling knees, then you’re prepared, you don’t give up. You don’t think, Oh, no, it’s over! My heart doesn’t flutter anymore, and the butterflies are gone.

When you love your partner, you do what needs to be done to nurture what’s most important to you by being fully invested.  That means that you care about the relationship, and you’re invested in relationship health. If problems arise, being invested means you will work with the other person to solve them.

Small investments in your everyday relationships can offer huge benefits when you most need them.

Here are some things you can do in your relationship

  1. Commit to Your Relationship

Decide that you are going to be in the relationship; that you are going to work toward its growth; that you will nourish it to the best of your ability.  Without that commitment, you don’t have the necessary foundation to build a loving relationship. That is why this first step is crucial.

You have to know that loving partners are not secretive; they’re open about where they are and who they’re with. If their plans change, they’ll call you or send you a text. Because, in their excitement of being with others and whatever they’re doing, they haven’t forgotten about you. They’re thoughtful.

  1. Invest Time

The workaholic who works 60 hours a week might say, “I love my partner so much. I’m working hard to provide for them.” That’s not love. Remember, love is not a feeling; it’s not words.  It’s an action that you decide to take.  Take the time to create a more intimate relationship with your Partner. Prioritize a routine date night to fan the flame of your relationship.

Take Time to:

  • Talk with each other,
  • Communicate and share things that are important,
  • Build connection and intimacy,
  • Ensure you see and notice your partner, appreciate who they are and all the things they do.

Invest time in your relationships.  In your marriage, make sure to go to bed together, make and eat meals together, write small love notes to each other, love one another.

PRAYER:  Lord, our prayer is that you help us to truly cherish our partner and that you teach us what it means to put them on a “Faith Supported Pedestal”. We need your Divine support to transform our hearts to ensure our partner will always feel loved and respected.

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