10 The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. Proverbs 12:10

Scripture clearly lets us know that we ought to care for our pets, I’ve had the experience of caring for a 9 lbs. Malkie (part Maltese, part Yorkie), by the name of Micah.  I originally purchased Micah for my granddaughter, but when they moved to a new apartment, they were not allowed to have him there.  So, I took him home to live with me.

Micah possessed a very peculiar personality; I don’t think he knew he was a dog.  He loved to go for walks but would never enter a dog park, we would get to the gate, and he would sit down, refusing to go in. Some of the things I was required to do for Micah was feed, walk, take him to the Vet and have him groomed. In the event I didn’t do those things would have been detrimental to his health.

I certainly learned early on that caring for a pet is almost equivalent to caring for a child.  Whenever I left home, I would have to get a babysitter or a pet hotel when traveling.  When he was hungry, I had to make sure he ate.  Failing to do any of these things for your pet would not be good and would not show that you love them.  It got to the point where caring for Micah was becoming to much for someone who worked very long hours or having to travel at a moment’s notice.  My love for him caused me to make a decision, that even after many years bothers me.  In 2016, I decided to take Micah to a Yorkie rescue in Carmichael, CA to be adopted out by a family with children that Micah could play with and no longer be lonely.  It brings tears to my eyes just writing that.

Another thing about pets, unlike some people they really are a good judge of character, Micah would let you know if he didn’t like you.  My responsibility was to protect him and any one he disliked.  That showed love for him and the people I chose to have around him.

It is important that you love your pet in the same way you love your family or children, because if you chose to have a pet, they became a part of your family!  And If you can’t find that kind of love for them, and this may sound harsh, but find them a new home with people that will love them.  You have the option to do that without judgment and they deserve it.

I leave you with this, Jesus tells us that we are of more value than animals, but he also points out how much God loves animals. He demonstrates God’s love for His creation by how He feeds the birds and meets their every need. They want for nothing and have nothing to worry about because God deeply loves them.  We are to be imitators of Jesus who is the image of his father.

26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Matthew 6:26

If you can, give your pet a hug, or at least a good snack for me.


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