And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

Matthew 6:12-13 English Standard Version

This was a tough week. I spent time trying to pay a debt that I have had since 2018. That’s around the time that I became extremely ill and had to leave my job. While I was waiting for social security, I accumulated large amount of medical debt and lapsed on credit card payments. It was the hardest and most depressing time of my life.

My husband worked two jobs, but it was a challenge to cover it all. So, I have been slowing paying it all back and rebuilding the damage to my credit. This one company has been a nightmare to pay. My thought: I’m trying to give you money, hello somebody. This week I got completely frustrated. They had made an agreement with me and I allowed them to take auto payments from my account. They stopped withdrawing their payments moved the debt to a different company and no one ever notified me then they no longer wanted to honor the original agreement because it was after the “deadline month.”

After a month of back and forward and listening to recorded calls they finally agreed to the original agreement and I gave them their final payment. While I am trying to be responsible and do the right thing it got me thinking. There is a debt that I will never be able to repay. No matter how hard we work or try, the sin debt that we have accumulated can never be repaid. Romans 3:23 say, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” (NLT)

I don’t know about you but, I have spent a lot of wasted time trying to be good enough to pay God back for erasing my sin debt. What I have discovered is that God will stick to the original agreement. There is no wavering in His love for us. The ultimate sacrifice of Jesus on the cross as a sin offering as well as a love offering. The original agreement was that you are His and He is yours. Don’t waste time second-guessing it, live in the freedom of it. Our sin, along with its guilt and shame has been stamped: PAID IN FULL.

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