This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9 NLT

This world can often give us some crazy things that create fear and panic. I have often heard that if you are alive you are either in a storm, just came out of a storm or about to enter a storm.

Storms are apart of life. And they are scary. Think of the disciples’ panic recorded in Luke chapter 8:22-25. They were given instructions by Jesus himself to go over to the other side, meaning other side of the lake via boat. That was the easy part as most of them were fishermen and familiar with both boat and the lake. The challenge was that most were fishermen and familiar with both boat and the lake.

Often our greatest challenge is having too much information and not enough knowledge. Not that one shouldn’t be educated but too much access to information on a topic in which we are not experts can be dangerous. This is why when we or a family member get the slightest ailment, we rush to Google to self-diagnose or create a treatment plan even before we see a medical expert.

Luke records the panic amongst the disciples. I can imagine the fishermen knowing that something was off about the wind and waves and telling the non-fishermen that this was very bad. As a matter of fact Luke records the best viewpoint of the disciples fear with verse 23 saying, “…and they were in great danger.”

A panic response can spread from one group of people to another. Even when it is something of great concern our ultimate response should be that of the one in the boat with us who gave the initial instructions. In this case, Jesus was fast asleep, and the disciples were up fearful.

Jesus being asleep meant there was no need to panic. In our storms God may be seemingly asleep or at least silent, but there is no need for us to be full of fear but remain full of faith in the one who is able to deliver on His promises. Cautious yes, fearful, no.

When fear does arise, remind it of the promises of God and all the times God has been faithful to you and those around you. Yes, there will be storms that don’t turn out how we imagined that they would, don’t panic. In those times remind your fear of the authority of God. Remember that our world is broken. Remember that God is love and seek God on how He is going to use this storm to bring some good.

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