Dear Beloved,

From the very beginning I knew you would be special, and I loved you more than you could ever know.  Even your name told of who you would be, its meaning is loved, adored, apple of my eye, long suffering and enduring and you have had to endure a lot through the years, and as your Father, I was there to see you through it all.

There were times when you didn’t think it was fair to have to go through so much, but I’m very proud of you, you didn’t buckle under the pressure and if you had, I would have been there to prop you up on every side.  I promised you that I would never leave you nor would I ever forsake you and I’m not a man that I would go back on my promise to you.

Beloved, you should know that I have wonderful things in store for you, the way has already been paved, you only need to stay on course because the safest place for you has always been in my will and all those things you desire will be made known to you.  I have and continue to watch over you and have orchestrated your life from the beginning, sometimes you tried to command the ship and I allowed you to do that for a little while, but then I caused you to relinquish control because you were heading into uncharted waters and I couldn’t allow you to delay your destiny any longer.  It may have seemed harsh to you, but as your Father, my love for you outweighed your emotions at the time.

If you ever have a doubt as to how much I love you, just remember how I sacrificed my only son for you, and there is no greater love than that, it cannot be compared.  Always remember that you are never alone, I walk with you everywhere you go and when it feels like I’ve left you, remember my word in Psalms 121, and lift your eyes to the hills from where your help comes from and there I’ll be as I’ve always been.

You are loved,

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