Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

II Corinthians 3:17

What Does It Mean to Be Free? Freedom looks different for everyone, it may come down to your own beliefs in life, or your focus to achieve those beliefs.   Some believe their freedom means:
  • Being themselves – continuing to challenge themself, growing as a person, loving the person that they are becoming, and following their beliefs.
  • Being able to wake up every morning and loving the body that they are in
  • Helping others to live their best life, by first helping them to accept their struggles.
  In Galatians 5:13-26, Paul talked about true freedom. It’s not about living any way you want to but living within Christ’s laws and enjoying the benefits of doing so. When we repent of our sin and receive Jesus as our Savior, the benefits that come along with that is:  
  • We are given eternal life
  • We have fellowship with God
  • We are set free to live according to the Spirit and not the flesh.
  To wrap it all up, Freedom isn’t just doing whatever you want, it is doing what you were made to do! Freedom in Christ, which is a great benefit, does not free us from rules.  No matter how large or small, we are called to obey the laws of the land and those of Christ. We shouldn’t call it legalism; we should call it obedience!   Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!   PRAYER:  Dear Lord, I accept the truth through grace that our freedom cannot be earned but comes through You.  No matter what others think about freedom, I understand that true freedom happens when we believe we are who you say we are, rejecting the lie that the enemy has spoken to us and over us.  I’m thankful for freedom, and the benefits that come along with it. I claim that freedom in the name of Jesus!  Amen!

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