Yep, Clickbait! There are no three things never to say to God in prayer. There is nothing that we can’t say to God, who is a loving Father, and already knows anyway. I don’t know where we got this misconceived notion that there are certain things we can’t talk to God about. Or that we can never be mad, disappointed, or even angry at God. We have reduced God to this proverbial church box.

Well, I have news for you that I hope is liberating. God can handle your mess and your emotions. He is not some flimsy, weak being that shrieks at any difficulty. When God said, “Come, let us reason together…” (Isaiah 1:18), He meant just that. In that passage He wasn’t extending that invitation to people who had it all together, far from it, He was talking to people who had repeatedly messed up. But He loved them just as He loves you and me.

We make prayer so complicated with all the religious rules we add to it. It doesn’t have to be. It is a simple dialogue between a Father and His children. Yes, I said dialogue; often, we give God a list of our wants and needs then skip out on Him before He has a chance to speak to us. How rude! No relationship thrives when it is onesided.

Honestly, there are a few things that have gotten me nowhere in prayer (but I said them anyway) 1: God can’t! Yeah, I know He can but will He for me. 2: I won’t! The thing He is prompting me to do is NOT on my life agenda. 3: How Come? This thing I want IS on my life agenda but not in His plan for me.

When the Bible says to fear God, it is was not talking about being afraid but having great respect. So respectful, bring Him all of you, your mess, and your emotions. He can handle it.

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